Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Saturday Morning in Tarsus

On Saturday February 15 we visited Tarsus, Turkey. Tarsus is where St. Paul was born. Christianity is not welcomed in Turkey, there are many restrictions for christians to practice their faith, as an example of this, we celebrated the mass in a church that is a MUSEUM, there is a group of religious sisters from Italy taking care of the so called "museum" but actually is a church. They have to travel 65 miles to go to Mass. There is no priests in Tarsus. These sisters are courageous to be witnesses in a hostil enviorenment in the city where the great apostle Paul was born.

Tarso, la ciudad de Pablo. Una ciudad de religion musulmana. No es aceptado el cristianismo. En estas fotos veran una iglesia que es museo, porque para los cristianos no les es permitido profesar su fe abiertamente. Es una persecusion contra los cristianos.Aqui encontramos a dos hermanas religiosas italianas que nos atendieron y compartieron la misa con nosotros. Ellas tienen que viajar 65 millas a otra ciudad para asistir a misa. Y ademas no pueden vestir con su habito de religiosas, eso esta prohibido por la ley.

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