Friday, March 14, 2014

Saint Bartholomew

This week I went back to visit The Church of Saint Bartholomew on the Island- it  is located on the Island in the Tiber river.  It was built in the 10th century by the Emperor Otto III, who had it constructed on the ruins of theTemple dedicated to Aesculapius. Inside the church, near the altar, there is a well that was most likely already there when the temple still existed. Saint Bartholomew on the Island consists of  three naves separated by two lines of fourteen antique columns each. The transept and apse are raised and its panelled ceiling has frescoes dating back to 1865.  In 2000 Pope John Paul II dedicated Saint Bartholomew to the new martyrs of the 20th and 21st centuries.
They have the remains of the apostle Bartholomew and St. Adalbert. Beautiful church. After my visit I enjoyed a capuchino caffe in a Bar outside the church.

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