Friday, February 28, 2014

Modern Antioch- non christian city

In Antioch Paul preached to the gentiles. A problem arose in the early christian community between the Jews and the Gentiles. The Christian Jews did not want to eat at the same table (The Eucharist) with the Gentiles- Christians who were unclean - Paul deals with this issue and goes to Jerusalem to the first council of the church.

Church of St Peter on the Hill

It was in the city of Antioch (modern day Antakya in southeast Turkey) that Christians were first so called (Acts 11:26). According to church tradition, Saint Peter established the church in Antioch, and was the city's first bishop, [1]:92[2] before going to Rome to found the Church there.[1]:95 Ignatius of Antioch (martyred c. 107), counted as the third bishop of the city, was a prominent apostolic father. By the 4th century, the bishop of Antioch had become the most senior bishop in a region covering modern-day eastern TurkeyLebanonIsraeland PalestineSyriaJordanIraq, and Iran. His hierarchy served the largest number of Christians in the known world at that time. (Wikipedia)



Antioch is the place of many saints: Luke, St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Tecla, St John Chrysostom, etc.etc

Visitin Seleuci in Antioch

Antioch was an Apostolic See and one of the first four patriarchates; the others were Jerusalem, Alexandria, and Rome. Antioch is said to be the place where the name "Christian" was first applied. St. Peter was the first bishop of Antioch.

Pictures from Antioch Turkey

Varias fotos de la ciudad de Antioquia en Turquia


Photos of Seleucia

Pictures of the City of Port near Antioch

The cities we went to study St Paul following his first missionary journey

Sigiendo a San Pablo de acuerdo al libri de los hechos de los apostoles salio de Antioquia a Chipre a llevar la Palabra de Dios a los Paganos.

Antioch of Orontes

Visiting Antioch of Orontes.
According the Acts of the Apostles:

With the church firmly established at Antioch in Syria, the time was right for the gospel to be taken farther afield. Acts records that one day while members of the church were worshiping and fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to them:
"Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them" (Acts 13:2).

It was from this site where St Paul and Barnabas traveled on a ship to Cypres

Following the footsteps of Saint Paul

In our module of study we have as a professor Father Scott N. Brodeur, a Jesuit Priest from the Gregorian University. We traveled to Turkey to study the writings of Paul visiting the towns and places where he preached the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles.

Una experiencia inolvidable visitar los lugares donde San Pablo iniciamla evangelizacion hacia los gentiles en Antioquia.

Visit to St Paul Basilica in Rome-La visita a la tumba del Apostol

After our visit to the church of the three fountains we visit the St Paul's Basilica.

Basílica de San Pablo Extramuros es una de las cinco iglesias consideradas como las más antiguas de Roma. La Iglesia católica considera que son la Basílica de San Juan de LetránBasílica de San Lorenzo ExtramurosBasílica de Santa María la Mayor y la Basílica de San Pedro. Es la segunda basílica más grande de Roma, después de San Pedro, de la que dista 11 kilómetros. Según la tradición es el lugar donde el apóstol Pablo fue enterrado. 

Pictures of the church of three fountains.
Legend relates that, when St Paul was decapitated, his head bounced three times and fountains miraculously sprang up at each place where it touched the ground. However, the springs, called the Aquae Salviae, as in the Latin name for the church, were known in pre-Christian times, and excavations have revealed ancient mosaic pavements. It is also said[citation needed] that there was a stone pine tree at the place where Paul was martyred, and the traditional identification of this place with the site of his martyrdom was strengthened when ancient stone-pine cones were found here during excavations in 1857.(Wikipedia)