Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 7 leaving Cacabelos

Leaving Cacabelos day 7


I spend the night in Cacabelos a nice small town in the wine country. I went to mass in the evening at a beautiful church-

De Ponferrada a Cacabelos

De Ponferrada a Cacabelos

Day 6, Fromo Molina Seca to Cacabelo.

Today I traveled 5 km from Molina Seca to Poferrada.

Ponferrada is also noted for its Castillo de los Templarios, a Templar castle which covers approximately 16,000 square meters. In 1178, Ferdinand II of León donated the city to the Templar order for protecting the pilgrims on the Way of St. James who passed through El Bierzo in their road to Santiago de Compostela.
The castle hosted the Knights Templar's Grand Master of Castille. However, the Templars were only able to enjoy the use of their fortress for about twenty years before the order was disbanded and its properties confiscated in 1311.

Molina Seca

Molinaseca is a village and municipality located in the region of El Bierzo . According to the 2010census, the municipality has a population of 818 inhabitants. In this town I met a fine gentleman by the name of Matias.